January 31, 2023

A special thank you to Aaron Jones with the Running the Traps podcast for giving PSA the opportunity to shine a light on our work. As a small outfit, it’s not very often that we get to publicize how PSA builds common ground and bipartisan support for our country’s most pressing foreign policy and national security issues. PSA is unique amongst Washington’s foreign policy and national security community in our singular focus to build trust, expertise, and opportunities for bipartisan problem solving on Capitol Hill and throughout Washington.

Our Executive Director John Sullivan expanded on our efforts to facilitate bipartisanship. He touched on the numerous educational models we utilize for our congressional programs and the impact they have on the staffer’s future work. Our Congressional Partnership Program, Department of State-Congressional Communication Program, and the Program on Legislative Negotiation go beyond the roadblocks of DC politics to focus on education, skills development, and professional networks.

As John mentioned, we are a do-tank, convening experts and professionals. We are building a community from all sides of the aisle to help Congress work better. The vast majority of public servants are driven by a genuine sense of service to our country, and we work to support these dedicated professionals. Time and time again, we hear from staffers about the beneficial impacts of our programs, whether by gaining greater awareness of specific issues or by fostering friendships across the aisle. We build professional capital between colleagues by encouraging them to take a break from their fast paced lifestyle and to learn about one another. Participants in our programs are forming bonds that can, in time, change the culture of deadlock and division on Capitol Hill. As John put it, PSA is playing the long game; it is an approach that is rewarding and effective.

If you are interested in learning more about PSA, take a listen to the conversation our Executive Director, John Sullivan had with Aaron. The Running the Traps podcast is in a short, digestible format and is a great way to brush up on various issues quickly.